welcome to our laboratory! you can take off your shoes, take some socks and sit or lie anywhere you like. there are cushions and comfy fur on the floor, or benches, and a blue hammock seat, where it is possible to hide. feel free to move and change place during the performance!
we will interact with you. if you don’t feel like interacting, please make a clear sign that you want to be left in peace.
we explore translations into sounds and gestures of emotional, sensorial and mental states experienced by persons with mental imbalances like the autism spectrum, and observations of the animal and vegetal world. how might complex conversations of species and whole ecosystems sound like? is it possible to come closer to a different way of perceiving? what does a bird hear? can a tree sense a connection to surrounding plants through their roots? how to connect to a living being that is unfamiliar to us?
concept, performance, music: christina clar / music: madame patate performers: lilas vicqueray & willy vander stappen / garden recordings: loïc lachaize / voice: laure goemans / visual collaboration & outside eye: peter westenberg / text choice for books on trees: an mertens
with the financial support of the austrian ministry of culture (bundesministerium für kunst, kultur, öffentlicher dienst und sport) and the support of kunstenwerkplaats brussels