music for another ‚freak-out‘ performance

The mixed-ability dance group from Carinthia, freak out, has created a new performance called ‚we wait‘, for which I made the music. We will play twice in the hall of the station in Pörtschach. There is an exhibition on the process of the creation in the gallery of the railway building, ‚Galerie ZUGängliche Kunst‘. hope […]

Safe the date: 12.11.2024 16-20h at the Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt Performance with Madame Patate マダムパタット (various sound objects, tiny toys, voice, effect pedals and looper and myself (prepared harp, voice, field recordings). We provide insights into the chaotic world of communication between different species, link things that at first glance seem to have nothing to do […]

Arnhemse Bomen Vertellen prolonged until december 15th!

The installation Arnhemse Bomen Vertellen had a lot of success and is prolongued until december 15th! If you have a chance to visit the beautiful parks of Arnhem, meet amazing trees, get info in real time about the tree’s exchange with their surroundings, like co2 exchange, horizontal and vertical growth, the influence of the moon […]

coming up in july @ pianofabriek brussels

lines, ropes, connections, sounds… another residency in brussels coming up on the theme of non-verbal and interspecies communication. there will be public showings on 12th & 18th of july at 4pm and on the 19th of july at 2pm @ pianofabriek. if you are around, come and find connections! i want to lea­ve the track […]

Arnhemse bomenvertellen

If you are near Arnhem in the Netherlands during summer, pass by Sonsbeek Park to see amazing trees, see and hear data about their well-being transmitted through sensors, listen to the tree’s stories picked up by a tree whisperer and hear how they grow. Visit the artistic installation from 15 June to 15 September 2024 […]

the new ones are out!

they are part of the series forms (of being), where i use details found in nature that are amplify and dipped into color. they are living beings to me, parts of rock, ice, snow, earth. this time, i painted on canvas that was mounted onto these chairs, with the help and gift of wonderful Luisa […]

Save the date!

2. JUNI um 17:00 – 20:00h in Klagenfurt ich bin keine Küche Parteitag der Kunst (II) unter dem Vorsitz von Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky (1897–2000) »Die Leute glauben immer, ich bin eine Küchenarchitektin, so wie sie glauben, ich sei eine Frauenrechtlerin. Beides stimmt nicht. Ich bin eine alte Systematikerin und habe mich in meiner Arbeit immer nach […]

all and parts

the part must be studied as part of a whole; the whole must be studied as being made up of parts; one may not in studying a part neglect it’s place and function in the whole, nor in looking at the whole forget that it is an assemblage, an ensemble of working parts. the system […]

days like this

es gibt tage, da habe ich das gefühl, ich verstehe alles. ich tue etwas, bin voll im moment, & gleichzeitig bewußt, dass ich das tue, kann zur selben zeit denken und fühlen. das beruhigt mich, gibt mir sicherheit. so als erlebe ich die situation von innen und außen simultan. mir wird schwindlig. ich schau mir […]