on the destructive effect of wars

some excerpts: environmental crimes in war are war crimes a tank consumes 250l of fuel per 100km on the road, in the terrain a multiple of it Wars cause massive environmental damage, what about damage that cannot be repaired at all?  „We delude ourselves of how unsustainable change processes are and how high the risk […]

Lange Nacht der Forschung/Uni Klagenfurt

For the long night of research held at Austrian Universities, the exterior wall of the uni building becomes a supersized projection space: Live Video Mapping Niki Meixner and live music Christina Clar. Hosted by the cultural association UNIKUM. https://fb.watch/ddNYcuzIzl/

let it go

E.E.Cummings, 1 x 1 [One Times One], Liveright, 1994

Voices to be heard

50 years ago, Shchedryk Choir, a children’s choir was formed in Kyiv. Until the Russian invasion this spring, they performed, rehearsed and sung, winning awards in all international competitions in which they participated. The choir had managed to record two songs in Skt. Andreas Church in Kyiv before it became impossible due to the war. […]


gg….. ggg.. ggr…………… gggrrrrrr…………. like grief. deep in thought with, about, a friend that recently left us. what are we doing when we grief? are we really with that person that left? feeling that vacuum their passing leaves behind, like a huge void. and it’s not that anything could fill that void; a void like […]


take a moment when you can be quiet and alone. sit, stand, or lie down in a comfortable place. check in with what you are aware of in this moment. it might be “out there,” like light coming in a window, or rain drops tinkling, or a barking dog. or, it might be your conceptual […]

Le Chant de la carpe

En plein hiver, entourée d’un doux paysage enneigé qui transmet le monde à travers une sourdine, prèsque inaudible, je retrouve cette merveille. Lu par l’auteur c’est encore mieux… Quart d’heure de culture métaphysique Allongé sur le vide bien à plat sur la mort idées tendues la mort étendue au-dessus de la tête la vie tenue […]